Nov 24, 2015

The Void

         You know those people who clearly are filling a void in their life by having a dog? New York, you know what I’m talking about! That guy who comes into the coffee shop and accepts graciously all compliments on how cute his dog is and also fearlessly admits he gets awful gas (the dog). He doesn’t seem to think this would be a raunchy topic for unsuspecting customers munching on their favorite cafe fare because it’s his baby, maybe his one and only, and not least, his best friend.

         If the thought glinted across your mind that you might quit reading this because you are a dog lover (then wait, I am too), or because you suspect I may be out to judge that guy or those people. Well please, keep reading because I am that person and those people are my people. I just don’t have a dog. Instead, I have yoga.

         Upon returning to NY after long travels, I didn’t come home to slobbery kisses and tail wagging. I went to the Yoga to the People studio in Brooklyn, and got a hug from Mara, the studio manager, awesome yoga teacher, and all around cool lady. I took her thoughtful class full of ideas like ‘how are you treating yourself?’ or ‘let it feel good’ or ‘can it be about the breath?’

         I may not get to come home and pat a dog on the back, but I can pat myself on the back for making it to my mat & all the effort that takes, for listening to other yoga teachers & continuing to learn, for listening to my body & being willing to experience where my boundaries are, for nourishing myself & letting others try to nourish me too. I hope never to forget to do all with compassion.

         I may lack a dog as a conversation starter with strangers, but perhaps I don’t need it. I can go to yoga and chat with human beings that I'll likely see again about where home is, will I stay in NY (thanks Mara for somehow remembering what we talked about months ago), how cute little kids are, writing blogs (thanks Jess for unwittingly giving me the nudge I needed to write this), that really cool yoga festival I went to (thanks Carl for letting me talk your ear off as you swept dutifully).

         What I mean to say is I’m grateful. The void is filling up with sweaty hugs, hellos followed by smiles, getting-to-know-yous, and yoga classes starting in Child’s Pose. Not only is my yoga a lot more enjoyable and meaningful after connecting with people, but I want to come back and feel encouraged to return. Sorry, strays at the pound, I’ve got yoga.